Price List

This page contains the detailed Price-list for the Phone service.

To keep yourself informed about the call price, select the destination you wish to call or enter the call number of the destination you wish to call.

If the first option suits you more, select the desired destination from a drop-down menu and then click the "Go" button. The destination rate will be displayed.

For the call price based on the desired phone number, please enter the call number of the destination you wish to call, part of the desired number or the entire number and click the "Go" button.


Prices are listed by call minute, but the service is charged per call second.

Only if you first call the number 0800 19 20 21, then you will be charged as follows:
• Establishing Phone call: 2.5 RSD + VAT
• Checking your account: 2.5 RSD + VAT
• Phone call from a cellular network (mt:s, Telenor, VIP): on the price of call to selected destination, 8 RSD/min + VAT is added

Destination Call number Price with VAT

IMPORTANT:Please check the call price for the desired destination before making a call.
Prices for certain destinations change more frequently than the rest.

YUnet International

Dubrovačka 35/III, 11000 Belgrade
tel: +381 11 3305678
fax: +381 11 3282760

Info Center

tel: 0800 300 400 (toll-free)

Technical support

tel: 0700 300 400 (local call charge)
tel: +381 11 2023636